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Why Jolly Barnyard?

There are many reasons why Jolly Barnyard. Here are some of them.

  1.    Our food system is getting jacked up by big business and federal government who are lining each others pockets and protecting each other’s backs while they are telling us that they are doing it for “our good”.  In reality it is disengaging consumers from the food production process while limiting the consumer options for healthy food products.
  2.    The accepted model of food production is contrary to nature (These same people “big business and the federal government” are telling us that pesticides, herbicides and all kinds of other poisons are needed to produce a good product) imposing a hidden cost that gets passed down to the next generations. Some of these costs have already been identified; health, waterway contaminations, soil erosion, etc. but what about the ones that we have not even noticed yet because of little testing.
  3.   GMO are supposed to be the wave of technology that everybody should just assume is progress. Why if it is such a good thing do they want to shove it down our throat without telling us that it is present.
  4.   Unnatural animal husbandry and very stressful living conditions are leading to unhealthy animals and uncommon habits which in turn lead to tasteless food products that need all kinds of additives to make them edible.